Monday, August 18, 2014

Ice Rose

One day I decided to go outside in the rain and for some reason on the ground was a rose shape rain drop. It look like it was frozen. So I stood on upside down and put it on my head and flipped back over. To my surprise it all the rain was attracted to my head. All of my family stayed dry. They said thank you I was getting wet a lot. A horse and a giraffe came over and started drinking my frozen rose water head. The giraffe said hey horse do take all the water just because I'm slow!!! Horse said I'm not!!! My tongue is stuck on the ice.  Savy said ahhhhhhh. Would help get these animals off my frozen rose head. No wait you guys are nice. Maybe you can get this off my head by blowing warm air to melt your tongue off my frozen rose head. ...Oh you have nice breath!!

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